is it illegal to ride side by side on motorcycles in the state of arizona, someone told me you can get a ticket, but i see people do it all the time, i know you can stagger front tire to the persons in front back tire but can we ride side by side
I use them especially on older cars to help keep the injectors clean. When I wait too long, I can tell a difference on fuel economy. I use the injector cleaner about every 4 tanks of gas sometimes longer. Gasoline has some additives in it, but as much as I drive, there are times when a fill up at an unknown station will get some crappy gas. If you can control where you fill up or stay with a certain proven brand, you can get by much longer, but the additives in the injector cleaner acts as a Preventive Maintenance on the injector system, and I say that it helps and is worth the money.
Yes it is illegal in Arizona. Side by Side riding is called lane splliting and is only legal in california. Staggered riding is legal provided there is a two second delay for the person in front of you. In a riding formation that means the person staggered to the side would be one second in front of you.
not sure on Arizona law specifically. I know where I am, side by side riding is considered legal (though having more than 2 people side by side is ILLEGAL). The local DMV book should have that info in there. Side by side riding isn't really a good idea, though, because it limits your escape routes should anything happen. You lose a great deal of your safety cushion, so the stagger is the safer and smarter arrangement.
Arizona law on the subject: www.azleg /search/oop/qfullhit. You may ride next to each other, but you may not pass - even another motorcycle. Splitting: BETWEEN lanes Sharing: side-by-side IN SAME lane Sharing requires the consent of BOTH riders. While lane sharing is permitted in many states, I only do it at low speed (such as stop and go in town traffic) - or with the one person I trust at speed. Staggered is preferred at speed. Front wheel next to rear is not quite staggered, and is not much safer than fully side-by-side. Lane splitting is allowed where it has not been made illegal (like anything else). The only state I am aware of that has not done so is California. (I do not know the laws in every state, I find them as I need them)
I recommend the STP Fuel System Cleaner in the silver/gray bottle. This is the most expensive one but it does the best job. I have noticed a marked improvement in the performance of my cars if I use it every month or so, depending on how much I drive. I put it in my children's cars and it made a big improvement on how the cars ran. They told me that their cars are running much better. The stuff cleans the fuel injectors and the entire fuel system. This makes the injectors spray gas into the engine properly giving the fine mist and proper quantity of gas. That is what happens and it definitely is worth the money. But you don't need it that often, maybe every 5-6 tanks of gas.