When I remove the rubber vent hose at the top of the pressure switch the furnace fires. If I kink the hose the furnace does not fire. Will replacing the pressure switch fix this issue? The furnace is 6 years old.
Have sex with him. I would think that would be obvious. You walk in on him masturbating, and there's a nice, juicy erection - why would you not take advantage of it? It's a little bizarre to me that you don't see his frequent masturbation as a sign that you could be getting a lot more sex if you only got a little more assertive about it.
You should be greatful that he isn't cheating on you- try giving him a bit more, see if this helps It's really o.k. and really no big deal, when he's cheating that's a big deal -He obviously has a high sex drive, help him out with it, don't make him feel bad about it, don't make fun of him and don't let it gross you out! Take advantage of the situation it's all in your favore and trust me it won't last long this is temporary and when it's over there'll be times you wish'd it weren't! Again I stress he isn't cheating is he! Have some passion and enjoy it while it lasts
Seems to me that Breach of Contract applies more to this case. But may be one more learned in legal matters such as a lawyer on yahoo users can provide better answer !!
Lol, a rubber pu**y? that is priceless!!! I am literally laughing my a$$ off! If its such a big problem for you, then why don't you let him take his sexually angst out on you! He masturbates because he isn't getting enough! Step up women!
He has some fantasies that he needs to full fill or you are just not giving him enough. Talk to him about it and find out what you can do to help him out. You are married, you need to work together to full fill each others needs.