I would like to know the average price per carat for each of these gems.Thanks.
Much of this depends upon what you mean by regular quartz. If you mean clear optically pure quartz (the material that ancient crystal balls were made from). the quartz is pure or nearly pure Silicon dioxide (SiO2). Quartz crystals, however often have impurities (including flaws in the crystal structure and even air bubbles) which tend to make the crystal colored or smoky when viewed. Amethyst is quartz which has an Iron impurity (and sometimes a Manganese or Aluminum compound depending upon source). Gem quality Amethysts usually have a very deep purple color and are often synthetic and not natural materials.
tricky problem. lookup at yahoo. it will help!
Quartz and Halite Compare: Quartz and halite are both minerals and have a white streak. The different possible impurities result in similar mineral colors, such as pink or white. They are also binary compounds. Contrast: Quartz (SiO2) is a silicate and is covalently bonded. Halite (NaCl) is a halide and ionoicly bonded. Quart has a hardness of 7, and halite 2. Pure quartz is clear, while pure halite is white. Quartz is much more abundant than halite. Graphite and Diamond Compare: Graphite and diamond are polymorphs of carbon. Both (in their pure form)are composed entirely of carbon, but the atoms of carbon are bonded differently. Contrast: The difference is because of the crystal structure an bonding between carbon atoms. In graphite, the atoms form stong bonds to form a hexagonal sheet or plate. Between these, however, bonding is very weak, and so graphite is soft and easily broken apart. Diamond, though, has carbon atoms bonded strongly in all directiions, so it is very strong and hard. Graphite has a hardness of 2, while diamond has the highest at 10. Graphite is dark grey with a dull luster, while pure diamond is clear and sparkles.