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are material distractions designed to lock our doors of perception?

are material distractions designed to lock our doors of perception?


I haven't the foggiest idea apparently neither does anyone else. our ability to measure WHAT happens is still far ahead of our knowledge of WHY it happens or exactly what drives the changes. la nina el nino are good examples. we know what they do but there are many competing theory's about the exact mechanism that causes these repeating cycles that may be loosely connected to sun spot cycles or maybe not. the green house effect of co2 is another area of contention. some research indicates that the long wave radiation absorption of of atmospheric co2 reaches 100% at 250 ppm to 350 ppm. if this turns out to be accurate then 500 or 1000 ppm will wont raise the temperature any more than 250ppm. the point is we just don't know. climate science today is in about the same state that nuclear physics was in the early 1920's. we don't know how much we don't know.
Don't listen to nutjobs. God only knows what's in the attic. A real lightning rod system would have several spikes along the highest parts of the roof - outside - and heavy cables leading down the outside of the house to the ground. If you're concerned about lightning, ask a professional lightning rod installer to evaluate what you've got, and quote you a price to make it right.

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