I know winstons are but they don‘t make winston menthols But the sister brand to winston is salem And salems are only mentholI‘m trying to switch to additive free cigs and I‘ve tried American Spirit menthols and they were stale when I bought them, not to mention dreadful.And I know menthol itself is an additive but besides that
I don't think there's such a thing as additive-free cigarettes. It's a bit of an oxymoron, really. Like jumbo shrimp or ordered chaos. Whether or not cigs have additives in them doesn't change the fact that they're absolutely horrible for your health.
All cigarettes have additives. Most are put there to make you get addicted to them.
all those tobacco companies would love it simply if everyone got hooked on ciggs , so do you theink theyd make them less or more addictive ? ofcourse theyre gonna be interested in selling very addictive ciggs !
After cutting the copper pipe, make sure that you clean the end of the pipe and the inside of the fitting with steel wool. Put flux on both the pipe and fitting and they should slide on very easily.
My bet is that, after you cut the pipe you did not dress the ends. 1) Use the reamer, some steel wool, or some light grade sandpaper on the pipe and the fitting. 2) Apply flux to BOTH pieces of pipe 3) Slip them together - it should be snug but easy to fit 4) Heat the pipe and apply the solder. its not a rocket science job.