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Are skylights a part of the roof or are they considered windows?

I live in a condo that says the skylights are considered windows and our bylaws doesn't say anything about skylights and the roof. Does anyone know if skylights are part of the roof or are they considered windows. If anyone knows the answer to this question, I would really appreciate hearing from you. Thank you for reading my question and have a wonderful day.


Skylights are indeed considered window units, because they provide the same function as windows set in the wall, namely providing illumination to the interior of your condo. That being said, I agree with Oil field's statement. If your skylights are are in good condition, a good contractor can work around them, just as the contractor indicated to your husband. Unless there is some ironclad provision within your bylaws that mandate that the management co has the final say so on whether or not the skylights get replaced, keep at the co. and the board of directors and maybe try to get in touch with your local housing authority for possibly their ruling on this matter. ( If they have the authority to do so. They do in most localities that I know of) Be sure to make copies of any and all correspondence that you have regarding this matter. Best of luck to you!
From a building code perspective, skylights are considered roof penetrations and have to be handled like vents, chimneys, etc. But you're talking about condo and bylaws, and that suggests that your concern isn't solely structural. If the bylaws say something about windows, and skylights are included as windows, then there you are. I don't think quoting building techniques is going to get your skylights reclassified in the eyes of the people enforcing the bylaws.

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