Trying to get into metal some.
Grindcore-Death Metal (kind of hard to compare depends on the band really, can't get much heavier) Sludge Metal Extreme Metal Black Metal Post-metal Melodic Death Metal Thrash Metal Groove Metal Doom Metal (not exactly sure where to put Avant Garde, Drone, and Gothic) Metalcore Speed Metal Viking Metal Symphonic Metal Industrial (depends on band [Godflesh would be towards the top but bands like Rammstein bring it down]) Nu-metal Rap-metal Alternitive Metal Sorry I went from heaviest to lightest.
metallic subgenres are a humorous tale. I mean, anticipating human beings to renowned the adaptation between sludge metallic and drone doom and deathcore or regardless of is in trouble-free terms a waste of time. yet once I had to apply retarded subgenres to record bands i admire i might flow with: (In no order) a million. Thrash metallic (Metallica, Anthrax, Machinehead) 2. Sludge metallic/groove metallic (Pantera, Eyehategod, Lamb of God) 3. classic metallic (Led Zeppelin, Deep pink, Black Sabbath) 4. Experimental/Drone/demise metallic/particularly intense metallic (Earth, particularly something heavy that catches my eye. i ought to've gotten into extra information yet I purely see this as intense metallic because of the fact it particularly is all heavy so there is no element in desecting it further) 5. determination metallic (Korn, Rage against the device. i think it is extra submit-grunge than metallic yet i'm going to record it besides because of the fact it has metallic contained in the call. I refuse to communicate with Korn as nu-metallic because of the fact nu-metallic is the shittiest metallic sort in existance after metalcore and deathcore and nu metallic isn't something yet a ripoff of bands inclusive of Korn, faith not extra, and Anthrax.)