Are the windscreens of Nasa's space shuttles really made of transparent gold?
I dont belive children should just be handed what they want. There are some things that they should have to earn. Even my two year old has certian things she earns. she gets two dollars a week for helping out ( cleanin room etc) and one dollar gets put away, the other she can etiher save or take to teh dollar store and pick something out. this way early on she is learning that you dont jsut get things when you want them you have to work for them.
Yes, just use it on the neighbor's dog, squirrels,etc. Your testing the valve, if it did not discharge, throw it away buy new. Back in the day, I use to drive truck, you get a tire fire(got the trusty fire ext. under seat, you pull the trigger and nothing happens) then your reduced to throwing dirt, emptying your water jug, peeing on the wheel. I've been there.
First, Walmart is unkind in how much profit it takes from its suppliers and how little it spends to support its workers, so some people oppose buying anything from there. Second, Walmart subcontracts its clothing manufacture, and one of those factories was the factory that collapsed in Bangladesh several months ago and killed hundreds, and Walmart is on record rejecting a proposal to pay more for safety at factories it uses. More people boycott Walmart's clothes specifically because those workers died and might have been saved by a bit more spending. If people are opposing the clothes just because they're cheap or trendy, that's less defensible. Cheap clothing from any source will be just about the same.