I want to drill a few holes into my wall but there is an electrical outlet nearby. It's not that close, but I'd rather be on the safe side. Is there a proper name for electric gloves?And if so, how much should they cost me and what stores would sell them?Thanks in advanvce
open the control panel / system / device manager find the network adapter, if it has a yellow ! triangle then you will need to install the ethernet adapter software driver
to be simple let us take a situation of a train traveling at almost the speed of light say 186,200 mps and now if a passenger gets up and runs at the speed of 100 mps on train now the speed of passenger should be 186,200(speed of train) + 100 (speed of passenger) 186,300 mps which is greater than speed of light i.e; 186,282 mps.. but in reality this doesn't happen whenever any object reaches speed almost equal to light the laws of nature slows the time around the object so that it cant cross speed of light. On this basis time travel theory was made.