
Are you just?

a speed bump on evolutions highway?


ASSAULT IS NOT THE SAME AS BATTERY. Jesus, stop saying assault when you mean battery! Assault is the POTENTIAL to commit battery with the intent of doing so. Battery is the actual, physical act of attacking someone. For a case like this, you can only use a reasonable amount of force. If she charges at you, then yeah. But if she's wandering like a crack head on your land without assaulting you, then no, you can't shoot a fire extinguisher at her.
A. Fire hydrant will get your car towed.Fire station drives will be signed.
scrub them down a little, get off the burned stuff. take a paper towel and wipe some lard or butter (lard works best) on them (both sides)and put them in a 500 degree oven till they stop smoking. take them out and let them cool and do this a few times. the cookie sheets will have a nice brown/ black finish on them that's almost stick proof. this is the same way you season an iron skillet. dont wash any seasoned cook ware in the dishwasher. and NEVER use a course scouring pad on them. for the most part, we never even use soap on out skillets or baking tins. just wash them off with hot water and a dish rag, and dry them off in the oven or on the burner, and when there dry and still a little hot rub them down with a little lard.just enough to make them shine hope this helps Possum

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