
auto adjust monitor?

ok i recently auto adjusted my monitor,what exactly does "auto adjust" do ? , like does it automatically choose a brightness/ contrast that relates to my monitor, or does it just do whatever it wants kinda thing. cause i dont really understand what auto adjust does to a monitor. also whats the best highness of brightness and contrast to have on a lcd monitor?. and i was wondering if changing your monitor settings effects my picture qualitys and coloring or if its justt the way it looks cause of my monitor, or did it change my pictures too.


this is no longer the visual show unit this is at fault. that's you show decision putting. bypass to the stepped ahead settings of you video card and decide the perfect decision on your visual show unit. The visual show unit does no longer like the decision you at present have chosen.
Dear Kayla. The auto-adjust option on the LCD monitor will load some pre-configured setting put into the system in the factory. These are set believing you have good eyesight, good lighting in the room and are not colorblind. It also sets the monitor up to run at the fastest recommended refresh rate. You should set the brightness/contrast to what feels comfortable to you without having the monitor lit up too high. The only thing that damages a monitor very fast is 'over-driving' brightness controls. So the lower the brightness the better for both of you. Just bring up the brightness until you are comfortable and adjust the color/contrast settings to get the best match to a picture you have both in the computer and printed on hand. Try to adjust the monitor controls until the picture tones get very close to each other. Very few monitors can do this without being 'over-driven' so be careful to set any control to full or null applications.

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