I would like to have the door to my private office connected to an electronic release mechanism so that from my desk I can push a button that would send a low voltage signal to release the door from an electronic magnet or another device that would allow the door closure to close the door. This would allow me to shut the door to my office from my desk without having to physically get up and close my office door.
Damn, you're lazy. But it can be done.
These hold open devices are used in Schools Hospitals nursing homes, theatres and so on. They are small electro magnets on the wall that a plate on the door sticks to. In case of a fire the fire alarm releases the doors thus shutting them. In your case a push of the button would break the contact shutting the door. Any fire alarm or security company has them. We have them in stock but I don't know where you are, so just call a company near you