Automobile engine oil pump does not leak pressure, which causes oil seal ring to leak seriously. What is the trouble?
1, check whether there is lack of oil.2, the condition is not very old, check the oil pressure sensor.3, sensor no problem, check the oil pump, see if the pump is not enough oil.Automobile engine oil pump with crank, when the engine speed of pump oil is high, therefore need a pressure relief valve to keep the oil pressure of the main oil channel, the excess oil drain back to the oil pan, if the oil pump pressure relief valve failure, no pressure relief will lead to the oil pressure is too high, will be oil lattice sealing collopse. If the pressure relief valve normally open, it will cause oil pressure is too low, will burn bearings and the like.
Have you tested the oil pressure gauge? How high is the maximum oil pressure?In general, if more than 4kg, then it is too high, and generally within the normal 3kg, followed by what you car, what the engine ah?
Automobile engine oil pump with crank, when the engine speed of pump oil is high, therefore need a pressure relief valve to keep the oil pressure of the main oil channel, the excess oil drain back to the oil pan, if the oil pump pressure relief valve failure, no pressure relief will lead to the oil pressure is too high, will be oil lattice sealing collopse. If the pressure relief valve normally open, it will cause oil pressure is too low, will burn bearings and the like.