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From the current teaching point of view, this step is higher. Such as high school physics in the direction of the static friction, instantaneous speed, the analysis of the situation of the force of the force, the synthesis and decomposition of the requirements of students have a strong thinking ability. From the perspective of human understanding, from the image of thinking to abstract thinking is a great leap in the ability to understand.
2, from the image of thinking to the abstract thinking of the leap is the second reason.
Junior high school physics teaching is basically based on the image of thinking, it is a vivid natural phenomenon and intuitive experiment as the basis, so that students through the image of thinking to obtain knowledge. Most of the problems in junior high school physics can be seen and touched. After entering high school, physics teaching from the image of thinking to abstract areas of thinking too.
1, from qualitative to quantitative leap is the first reason.
Junior high school physics teaching is a qualitative analysis of many physical problems, even if the quantitative calculation is generally relatively simple; and high school physics teaching, most of the physical problems not only for qualitative analysis, but also requires a large number of fairly complex quantitative calculation The Students are not suited to this leap from qualitative to quantitative.