Heres the deal. I want to put a toilet in the basement where the flange is going to be 3' from the main stack in the basement. I don't want to take up the floor to run it because the main goes directly through the B-dry system and I'd rather not mess with that. Getting an upflush/ macerating/ specality kind of toilet is out of my price range so I decided, obviously, that I'd raise the floor. I'd really prefer not to go over 7 in high, and with the pitch and width of the pipe that seems totally feasable My question is what kind of couplings/ fittings can I use to minimize the height that I have to raise it? I'll be going from cast Iron to pvc. I've looked at a couple of no hub couplings but between them and the wye I'm going to be looking at almost twice the height. I know this has been done before, what do you suggest??
some electric blankets have an auto shut off feature that will make them turn off if it gets to hot and some have a timer. my recomendation is to get warm with it and then turn it off right before you fall asleep to aavooid any fires
yes!! get lightning rods!!
Yes it no different to a lighting rod. Lighting is not fussy