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Bench press works my triceps more than my chest :(?

I've been trying to bulk up my chest lately and when i do barbell bench presses i feel the burn mmore in my triceps than anything...i am keeping my arms a bit more than shoulder width aparthow can i get a better burn in my chest like i can get with dumbell bench presses


If you're certain that the posture is not the problem, maybe your pecs are more than strong enough for the exercise and you feel the effort in another involved muscle which is weaker.
It happens when your chest is very weak your triceps has to overload in that situation.Keep training once your chest gets as strong as your triceps you will feel it more on your chest.When i used to do incline barbell presses with 245lbs for reps in bulking my shoulders used to take over most of the weight than my chest since my shoulder press was close to or as strong as my incline bench press and my chest was weak but now i feel nothing on my shoulder since i am on different season and dont go that heavy. Also make sure you use better form and grip.About the width place your hands little more than shoulder width.I place my hands on the 2 silver rings on each side.If the bar has 3-4 rings put your hands on the 3rd silver ring.I try to bench with a bar with 1 ring since its easier for me. Also when you do bench don't lockout on each and every rep.Keep the burn on the chest.People might say half reps or whatever but it works your chest.After all you are working your chest not your shoulder or triceps.It got its own day. Good luck. Email me if you got more questions.

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