It is a 2010 Nissan Altima Coupe 3.5 SR and I‘m wanting to put a cold air intake in it. What are your guys opinions on about the best air intakes that will be reliable and not lose any MPGs. Thanks!
Best is the stock intake that came on the car. If you think any aftermarket intake by itself is going to improve anything you're very gullible.
KN i have one and i get better acceleration due to the increased air flow , the stock box restricts air flow in fact its used as a noise reduction tool along with air intake function. The cold air intakes allow more air to enter the engine trust me it does something. Adjusting cams is for people who have time to adjust their cams those people dont exist. I also get better throttle response.
The best cold air intake is the one that came from the factory! The air filter is plenty big for your motor until you cam it and add larger injectors and a high capacity fuel pump. The cold air pick up is placed under the hood where it can ram the cold air through the filter and you don't even have the problem of oil from the filter ruining the MAF sensor! Not to mention the 4 hours of down time waiting for the filter to dry after cleaning it! Don't waste your money justr to have a big chrome tube under the hood!