I have a road bike that came with 700c wheels. So can I use 650c wheel on my bike and will it fit? What are the size differnce between 700c and 650c? I know that 700c is have like 622mm diamater or something but i dont know how many mm is 650c wheels.
The pipes in older homes may be either copper or galvanized steel. Either of these are susceptible to corrosion from the inside. If you are replacing the pipe in your home take the extra effort to put in a whole house water purification system. This will drastically cut down on corrosion in the pipes and extend the life of water based appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, hot water heater, etc.).
Right now copper will cost you a freakin' fortune. While I'm not a great fan of the various plastic materials, I'd certainly consider them with today's copper prices. My condo, built in 1965, has 100% copper pipes -- supply, sewers, and even vent stacks!
Do you live in a small city? Some children stole my $30 scooter. I mentioned it, so that if I ever saw any person with it, I might have a legal leg to face on. I saw the little punk driving it, and frivolously known as the non emergency line on the pd, and pronounced that I might see anyone in possession of my stolen property, then gave the girl the report number. An officer got here out, acquired me my scooter again, and had a bit chat with the kids mom. If you happen to feel you have a threat of recognizing any individual together with your bike wheel, document it.
What are you trying to accomplish? The smaller wheels will need longer reach brakes. You can find those if you know were to look but they will be heavier and more prone to failure. The pedals will be closer to the ground which may affect cornering at high speed. The distance traveled per pedal stroke will be about 15 cm less. Finding tires and tubes will be more difficult. The 650 are normally made for growing teens and are rarer. You will have less offer and less quality. The spacing may also be different as the 650 are intended for smaller frames.
650c wheels are 51mm smaller in diameter than 700c wheels. This means that the radius of the wheel is 25.5 mm smaller. It would be nearly impossible to find brakes that would fit. The smaller wheels would also put your pedals 25.5 mm closer to the ground increasing the chance of pedal strike. The smaller front wheel would also change the steering geometry of the bike. There is too big a difference between the two wheel sizes to make the switch EDIT: If the bike is too big for you, it will still be too big with smaller wheels. You might get a lower stand over height with smaller wheels, but the length of the top tube will not change and will still be too long for you