Im 22 years old currently leg pressing 720 lbs.. I went from 655 lbs to that huge number it seems that i can't do no more then this, The machine will max out at 810lbs doubt i can get there. I would like to leg press 2,300 lbs like Ronnie Coleman what did he do to get that whopping number. How can i do that and what else should i eat. Is he on steroids
is he on steroids? And lots of other things too./ how does a leg press translate to real day to day life. How much can you deadlift? that what people actually do, pick things up.machines set the body up to have a real world injury because you're not using your stabilizing muscles/ but if it makes you happy,go for it. good luck
I have found through my experience with exercise that people with shorter legs find it easier to leg press. It does not mean that that person has more leg muscle than you, it means that they do not have to lift the weight quite as high as someone with longer legs such as myself. Also, the farther away you spread your legs while lifting, the easier it is to lift the weight. For a real challenge, put your feat togather when lifting. When lifting, the closer your hands and feet are togather, the more of a workout you will have and the results will appear much quicker.
You okorder , it has great information on anything muscle related. Get HUGE!
Eat some burgers and fries to get some junk in yo trunk. Then baby will have back, lol.