what are some good black metal bands?(ect. Dimmu Borgir, Goatwhore)
It really gettin' us angry... But I thiNk that it just for some reasons. If u meant Metal and what do has relation w/ that kind Death metal, Hard Rock, Heavy... Maybe because people aRe Not yet taking that seriously, Or thinking that it has relationship w/ SataNisme ... yeah.... In my country, just if u said U liKe ROck Music, some of'em will think u'r a satanist, CREEPY !! We should work HarD for its respect BroTher :) and maybe it's better if not everyOne like what we do, cuz The beauty of things is that you're special and different from others, not to be Like 'em. RESPECT.
Well it gets respect. Not as much maybe. They called 70s metal bands 'acid rock' because they were so hard to listen to. (like Black Sabbath) I guess that's why now. I guess the general public likes music with no musical value (you know the bands I'm talkin bout)
Really, the industry only cares about profitability. It's really not about respect or disrespect, it's about the sheer number of fans and how much money they can make on a product. That's why metal doesn't really get the juice. I believe someone above said talent doesn't necessarily equal popularity. This is very true, and it's why you may feel disrespected, but it's really just that it's not as profitable as lighter stuff. Hand me a metal record that will go multi-platinum and I'll show you a metal album that everyone knows about. I'm not a metal guy so forgive me if I'm passing out faux-metal in this example, but look at the black Metallica record. You as metal heads are not so much unlike me as a sort of indie rocker. The music clearly comes from different places, but the music doesn't really crack the mainstream radio, a very loyal and enthusiastic, but still a niche fan base, passed over by the large labels except in very rare cases, but still catered to by smaller to mid level outfits. It's just that generally my music is too quirky and sometimes abrasive and your music is too epic and sometimes abrasive. I think your average consumer doesn't want to feel challenged by their music. They just want to tap their toes, bob their heads, and have something relatable to talk about around the water cooler.
The question is fundamentally flawed because the assumption is incorrect. Metal gets PLENTY of respect. You cannot make this determination based on a Websters Dictionary. Does metal have its share of critics? Sure, but no more than any other genre of music. The purpose of the dictionary is to give definitions of words. It never was meant to be a barometer for respect.
I dont think metal bands care if they get respect from the general public. Their purpose is to play killer music for metal fans. Having the public respecting metal would be a bad thing. Metal was/is going away from the norm.That is why metal can be so evil or very heavy, etc because they are not trying impress anyone except for their fans and other metal lovers