What is a good brand of tire pressure gauge to buy. I am checking motorcycle tire pressures of 32 and 35 psi and I want to invest in an accurate gauge. I have seen drag racers use a dial type, Is this the type to buy?
Let me help you with the brain wrap: There are many good, safe places to build homes in California (I live in one of them). Unfortunately, two things get in the way of safety. (1) People want to live in unsafe places with great views/location/ privacy. (2) Developers couldn't care less about safety, they only care about money. So they build flammable houses in fire-prone areas because it's cheap and the houses will sell. Another issue is that people who live in fire-prone areas are not willing to create defensible space around their homes. I see a lot of homes in the Sierra foothills that have neither sprinklered (lush, non-flammable) landscaping near the house, nor native trees cut back far enough so fire can't jump to the house. Whether this is money-saving strategy or a desire to fit into the natural landscape, it invites fire damage.
i watched hours of news, and was struck by one thing-- house after house right up next to hillsides did not have brush cleared, surrounded by trees and scrubs, no tile roofs, no fire truck access. then there are other communities spared because they were built and maintained with brush fires in mind. People just buy the houses, then don't zone it, they don't build it, they don't' insure it. People who live there and are not prepared for brush fires is just stupid. Everyone should be prepared for a fire, regardless of where you live. You should have a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, working smoke detectors, an escape plan. My brother's house burned to the ground from a kitchen fire. It took the FD 20 minutes to arrive, in that short time, the house was gone. just like our earthquake preparedness kits, we should think about a much more likely possibility.
I personally use a digital gauge and re-check the pressure at least 3 times.Unless you are describing a gauge that tells you real time pressure,I've found this to be very accurate.Easier to read and less problems.But then,I don't race or fix bikes.
Acu-Tire Victor Tru-Flate Those are all some good brands, with Acu-Flate bieng the one I would recommend. They range from 8.99 to 39.95