Breathing anesthesia and anesthesia anesthesia advantages and shortcomings please you 3Q
Anesthesia, that is, intravenous or intramuscular injection, intravenous anesthetic in the body through the liver and kidney metabolism in order to clear in the body, this time may be relatively long. Safety, inhalation anesthesia will have respiratory management, and controllability is good, should be more secure. Question: What about the price? Answer: Breathing anesthesia costs higher
After surgery to stop inhalation, blood drugs and then through the alveolar exhalation in vitro, the basic do not have metabolism in the body, so the drug clearance will be faster.
Breathing anesthesia, that is, inhalation anesthesia. Anesthetic through the breath into the alveolar and then into the blood, blood drug concentration and inhalation concentration will reach a balance so that you can maintain anesthesia.