I have a female Red/OGG/Sandfire/Blood X Salmon Hypo/Citrus/Snow/Tangerine Hypo (Het Hypo) bearded dragon that I would like to breed. What do I need before I breed her? She is almost a year old, I know she isn‘t old enough yet, but I want to go ahead and start acquiring the equipment that I will need. I have had several offers to breed her with other dragons, so I already have a list of possible male candidates. Also any advice and suggestions would be helpful. Thank you for your time and help.
if you are only looking to produce one clutch every now and then, i suggest you get a hovabator, they work great, and arent terribly expensive for the small breeder. Once you get a hovabator, you should also get either vermiculite or hatchrite, many people debate on which is better, i preffer hatchrite but i think you should make the decision for yourslef. then all you need is a laybox big enough for the female to fit in very comfortably. Fill it with moist eco earth when she is gravid. Then one day you will find her in the box digging, she will lay the eggs. Let them sit for a few hours, then set up your hovabator, and eggs trays with vermiculite or hatchrite, then take the eggs out of the lay box very carefully, and make sure that the same side of the eggs is always facing up, because if you put an egg into the eggs trays upside down or on its side, the baby will die. Then just put the full egg trays into the hovabator and let them grow. I hope this helped