I just love this stuff! And the plastic bottle is the ultimate indication of true class! I am the true stud of the trailer park when I wear this, and the visible cartoon-ish stink lines that emanate from me when I go out give me that needed edge to pick up the toothless ladies! It has many other uses as well, such as unclogging drains, flushing groundhogs out of their holes, road flares, gasoline substitute, windshield de-bugger, self-defense, antiseptic, weed killer, and varnish stripper. I also drink it.
dafuq is this $h!t, how are The Wyatt family bad? I personally like The Shied more and face or heel it doesn't make a difference as long as they stick together The Shield will win on main event and that's the bottom line because I said so
TRO's are always granted but then you have to face the other person in court 2 weeks later to let a judge hear both sides and decide whether or not to extend it. A lot of times a TRO can cause someone to snap and go after the other person. You just don't know how far someone is willing to take a situation. We live in very stressful times and apathy is running high. You and your fire hydrant issue could be the last straw for this guy. If you feel threatened then stay away from him. Don't get involved in anymore disputes with him. Don't look at him. Don't gossip about him to neighbors. A judge would have to find that pegging you is threatening. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. There's no law to cover specifics like that - it's subjective and up to an individual judge's personal decision. They could say it's no different than telling someone they're on your s**t list. He warned you. I think he's telling you to leave him alone.
You can get a 30-day protective order. My ex's boyfriend filed one against me when I told him that if he came to my house to mess with me, I'd slice him straight open xD Just go to your local courthouse, and say you want a temporary protective order filed and they should accommodate you.