I cant decide if i want to spend the money and get a lift kit and keep the independent front suspension or get a solid axle and make a lift for it. I dont really have a lot of money. I would want to lift it about 4in. I heard its a pain to lift independent suspensions, would it be easier to get a solid axle in it then lift it? whats a good 4in independent lift?
man i fell bad about no anwser. the library will help you do a lot of stuff. ok if you have question go to the library. library will solve problems. you can count on me. good luck. i am happy to help.i may be wrong but it worth of try.
pirate4x4 is arguably the best place to go for any and all off road mods for toyota's. every thing that can be done to Toyota's is explained there. c/p the source link below in your browser. cant say which ifs lift kit is the best. but don't use lift blocks for the rear. use lift shackles. blocks will wear the diff and springs prematurely. in many cases, it's said that tire clearance can be done with a body lift. lift kits are as painless as its gets for these mods. but sas will give you more freedom to do what the big boy/girls do. ifs cannot compete with sas for articulation. after i read the info at pirate, i had to rethink my whole strategy.
The independent lift is not worth the money unless you really don,t do any real 4 wheeling.Here in northern calif we do front axle swapsThe pirate board is a good place to research.www.marlincrawler is the man when it comes to the kits.He sales only top quality parts with made in usa or japan parts only.Some of his competitors will sale you crap from china for about 300 bucks lessHey if you are going to build your truck,spend the money and do it right the first timeDon,t waste your time on independent junk.