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Can a keyboard protector damage a keyboard?

I found on one site that keyboard protectors can damage keyboards, pulling the printed letters off of them and turning this yellow. I just received mine and it works great but I'm worried about this. I just found this information on one site so I'm wondering if anyone else has had this experience with them. Please share your experience with keyboard skins here. Thanks!


Are you stupid? Leave the key protector on and every week or so pull it off and clean it. Maybe if you left the protector on for a year then the letters would come off but not if you take it off and clean it ever now and then
Yes it can take the key paint off of your keys. Over time ,depending on the typist, your keys paint starts to come off too. Especially if left in extreme temperature ranges. (ex leaving old computer keyboard in outside shed throughout years) I wouldn't worry about it though, keyboards are easy to replace.
hi you have the flexibility to get into abode abode windows by ability of pressing the abode abode windows key on your keyboard in case you will get the keyboard working a minimum of. then you definately would use your up and down arrows to get into the mouse and keybaord settings to make helpful they're maximum ideal suited. Do you have a on the spot mouse and keyboard you may try or borrow from a chum?
A keyboard skin can pull of the printed letters. But then, just typing with your fingers will do the same over time. However the protect offered by the skin, should you spill something on the keyboard, etc., usually far outweights the possible damage the skin could do. As every brans of skin is different in what it is made of and how sticky it may be, and every type of keyboard is different on how the letters are printed, etc., there is no one answer to how much damage a skin may (or may not) do compared to the protection it offers.
over time yes they can yellow pull the numbers letters off unless they are imbedded into the keyboard. sun, water, etc. are their worst enemies.

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