What is the largest tree ever successfully moved?How is it done?Materials? man-power? After-care?
I don't the biggest, but with a crane, and a back hoe, and a lot of man power., it can be doneYou need to measure the diameter of the trunk, and figure 11 inches of root ball for every inch of trunk(more if possible)Then you get an engineer to calculate the weight of the tree and the root ball to a depth of an average of 3-5 feet(depending on the type of tree and soil type) Then you have to find a crane that will lift that weight and a truck that will haul itFor after care, mulch the entire root ball, to keep it weed free and moistAnd I would recommend incorporating Mycorrhizae innoculents in the soil to help regenerate and get water to the rootsSuper thrive (fertilizer) seems to work well too.