I'm in computer class and theres this stupid filter on the computer so I'm bored I am done with my work so if someone could give me an easy step-by-step process to help me get past this!thanks
That's funny, I didn't realize I was not most people as I carry a c0cked and locked 1911 as a duty pistol all day every day and have for over 2 years now. Do I consider it unsafe? No. Do I consider it beyond the competence of most of the public?.wellmaybe. I have, unfortunately, seen a lot of public stupid firsthand. But you're asking if carrying the 1911 c0cked with the safety OFF is unsafeyes, it could be, since 1911's have rather nice trigger pulls and most folks who would carry it in this condition may not take care to make sure they're carrying in a holster which covers the trigger guard. Also, in the heat of the draw, it is possible to put your finger on the trigger, and if your hand has already disengaged the grip safety, then the firearm could possibly discharge as you are drawing especially if you are not disciplined or competent enough to carry it in a traditional, safe fashion. There's a reason why we carry the 1911 in Condition One which is also known as C0cked and locked. It's how we're taught. It's how we know. It's how we do it all day, every day, without incident nor accident. Safety off in the holster while chambered with the hammer c0cked isn't a really good idea. Just sayin'.
It's illegal to pull the alarm for no reason. He needs to be reported.
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