plz plz answer my questions. thank you in advance.1] if space with time is 4 dimensional then how can you show the curvature of a mass by a body in a 4 dimensional way?2] if you compare the curvature of space and time with a ball on a rubber sheet the ball curves the sheet because there's gravity pulling under it but what is pulling under the planets and the stars to create that curve?3] if you take that ball and rubber sheet example again, and if a smaller ball is rolled on the rubber sheet it starts revolving around the bigger ball and eventually comes closer to the bigger ball. but the moon is getting away from the earth. could u plz plz answer my questions. thank u very much.
Are there any radioactive materials in your house? I have also found that a very, very steamy shower will set off some in the vicinity. Unscrew it and check to see if there is a ceiling leak. Try relocating it to a new position in a different place before discarding it. Drop it in the Home Depot basket at the entrance. They recycle stuff like batteries, so maybe they recycle radioactive materials too. Your smoke alarm has them. Or, ALL of the batteries you are trying may be too old and weak. Sometimes they are like that out of a new package, and you should get a refund from the store where you bought them. Happens more often with Dollar store batteries made in third nations. Sorry, that is all I cold think of right now.
When you turn the fire extinguisher vessel upside down, the action dumps the baking soda, NaHCO3, into the vinegar (5% acetic acid, HC2H3O2, in water) to generate cabon dioxide, CO2. The CO2 pressure in the vessel squirts the liquid through a hose onto the fire. NaHCO3 + HC2H3O2 NaC2H3O2 + CO2 + H2O
You can buy small magnetinc accessory boxes from OKorder, they cling on to the handle bar and are easy to use, but they can sometimes be a little pain when the speedo is too low from the handlebar.