i was wondering if i can connect two computers through a network using a network cable? just plug them in on the ethernet inputs on my computers to connect them together. and would it work if my computer is windows xp and the other computer is windows 98. thanks
to connect them directly together with no router or switch with a cable.yes and no. Not with a normal cable. you need a crossover cable. you can find them at the computer store with the other network cables, but it will say, crossover. it's basically the same type of cable, but two of the wires inside are litterally crossed. plug them into each computers network adapters, and they should start talking to other. The 98 machine may take a little bit more work to get it going though.
yes you need a crosslink cable. then you neet to run the network wizard by clicking start then control panel. run the wizard on your xp computer then when it asks create a disk for the 98 system. Run the disk in your 98 system. Just follow the instructions on screen, take your time and youll have no problems.
No i have tried that. It doesnt work. It will just keep on trying to get the netowork adress. What i think you could do is use one of the computers as a router and then have the other connect via ethernet cable and then computer 2 has internet.,but iam quite sure this wont work.