My employer has under 50 employees. They refuse to let me use my 6 weeks to bond with my first child. They want me to inform them 30 days in advance of my intent to use PFL. The owner already said she will deny my request.I am going to take my PFL .(my family is more important than any job)Will i get unemployment if they fired/laid me off for using my PFL?Thanks
It sounds like the problem could be where you're keeping your clothes and sheets, not how they are being laundered. If there has ever been any water damage where you keep your things, (in the closet, basement, or the furniture you keep them in), they can retain a musty odor. It may not be as apparent to you since you live there, so ask a friend to come over and ask them if they smell a damp or musty odor. Whatever it is will need to be removed to rectify the problem.
it should only let the alarm go off, not phone calls. hmmmmmm.
The alarm only volume setting controls just the volume for the alarm. If you are a light sleeper you can set the volume at a lower level or vice versa if you are a heavy sleeper. On most Motorola phones you can also customize the ring tone to something you have down loaded or you can use one of the pre-loaded ring tones Motorola installed on it.