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Can I press charges against my boss?

Today he smacked me across the face because I almost turned in some reports late. I know that he has a drinking problem, so I can understand why he would want to hit me, and I'm not really mad. Should I press charges?


yes press charges...even if he drinks that is no excuse. if you let him do it once and dont do anything he is just going to keep doing it and it will get worse
Yes, you should press charges. Not only for the smacking, but for the drinking as well. Employees are not allowed to drink on the job, and boss or no boss, he isn't allowed either!
He Has NO Right to hit you even if he drinks You can press charges for assault. I would Press charges because if he did this to you and if you have any one who is a witness that would even help you more but call the Police Now and explain to them what happened he should NOT disrespect you and to slap you I would put him in Jail for assault charges as soon as you can.
Yes! you should press charges against your boss. There is no excuse....it shouldnt matter if he has a drinking problem or if you turned your reports in late noone has a right to put their hands on you especially at a place of work. You should also ask your co workers about it see if he has physically done anything to them this could be a serious matter i wouldnt look over it just because he drinks

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