Home > categories > Minerals & Metallurgy > Ceramic Fiber Blanket > Can i take crackers (low salt high fiber) They said that crackers are bad for losing weight?

Can i take crackers (low salt high fiber) They said that crackers are bad for losing weight?

no wonder i never lose weight, cz i always ate crackers (assumed that low salt high fiber is for dieting)


You could make a cake that looks like a sandwich! Make cake as normal and cut it into triangles for finger sandwiches with put icing in the middle e.ggreen icing for lettuce, brown for meat etcYou could do vermachelli (not sure how you spell it) but it looks like pasta, it basically is pasta but doesn't taste like it at all as its baked with milk and sugar and is very sweet!
Was it maybe Cafe World? That's all I can findThat and a few blogs for the candy corn on cob recipeSorry.
Crackers themselves would not cause you to gain or lose weightThose crackers (high fiber, low salt), sound like a good option but don't eat several servings in one sittingLook at the nutrition panel and look at the fat content, serving size, calories per serving, etcThey are fine to eat in moderation The best way to lose weight is to follow a healthy diet (i.eeat your fruits and vegetables, eat your whole grains, go easy on the junk food), and get proper exercise.

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