I'm planning to use resin to seal and coat my pendants made out of polymer clay.. But I'm worried that the acrylic paint and mica powder that I'm going to use on the surface of the pendants will fade or mix with the resinIf I can't use resin, is there any substitute?
Hi, I live in the Ensenada area of Baja california. Not sure which area your asking about but Tecate has had significant fires with homes lost but no lives. Also Ensenada area not sure exactly where has lost 50 20 homes. But not Ensenada itself. We also had a fire right here where we live in Punta Banda near La Bufadora that came within 10 feet of homes but the great guys who worked all night on it were able to divert.
okay so your probably going to need 2 paper clips to do it. unbend the paper clip fold both ends of it together. do the same with the other one and stick one in the top part of the lock and one in the bottom part and turn.
Call a family member to pick you up and leave a note on the home door that you are locked out and your at so and so house.