I was going to use a paintball mask but i think it the screen with crack and it makes it hard to aim Will safety goggles like these work
A list of the most important rules of survival of course! 1.Cardio 2.The Double Tap 3.Beware of Bathrooms 4.Wear Seat Belts 5.No Attachments 6.The “Skillet” 7.Travel Light 8.Get a Kick *** Partner 9.With your Bare Hands 10.Don’t Swing Low 11.Use Your Foot 12.Bounty Paper Towels 13.Shake it Off 14.Always carry a change of underwear 15.Bowling Ball 16.Opportunity Knocks 17.Don’t be a hero (later crossed out to be a hero) 18.Limber Up 19.Break it Up 20.It’s a marathon, not a sprint, unless it’s a sprint, then sprint 21.Avoid Strip Clubs 22.When in doubt Know your way out 23.Zipplock 24.Use your thumbs 25.Shoot First 26.A little sun screen never hurt anybody 27.Incoming! 28.Double-Knot your Shoes 29.The Buddy System 30.Pack your stain stick 31.Check the back seat 32.Enjoy the little things 33.Swiss army Knife
I needs a new battery; the beep is to let you know the battery is getting low. They'll usually beep about once per minute. Are you SURE that it's not battery powered??? I've never heard of a hard-wired one that beeps. I'd take the cover off and check, just to be sure. If you are CERTAIN (after actually, personally checking) that it's not battery powered, you might want to be sure it's actually getting power. If it is, then try using some compressed air (like the kind you get to get gunk out of a computer) to blow into it and clean it out. But most smoke detectors take an ordinary 9-volt battery. If none of that works I'm still guessing it's NOT getting power through the wiring, and it's beeping to let you know; that will be something the apartment maintenance people will have to do, presumably. Until then cover it with something (??) somehow, and do your best to ignore it. Good luck.
If which sells a really nice one ridiculously cheaply every so often. As it is, you can scour or or look at things like this: /inde Or just check out what they have then put your own together for less.