I'm square foot gardening, and I need vermiculite. I went to the Home Depot to get some, but the man I spoke with told me that they didn't carry it, but NuraLime was basically the same thing. But before I add this to my $100 worth of soil, can they be interchangable?
Hi I Have 3 Leo Geckos (2 Female, 1 Male) Wet The Vermiculite But Do NOT Mist The Eggs. If You Do See A Bit Of Mould Try Some Athletes Foot Power, Only Apply A Little Tiny Bit To The Eggs, Also Make Sure The Humidity Is Correct. If The Eggs Dry Up The Will Collapse! If The Egg Goes A Funny Colour Or Dents A Bit Don't Throw Them Away, They May Still Hatch. I've Had A Few Eggs That Went Slightly Mouldy But Still Hatched.
yes it does matter if u get the eggs wet they will start to mold but if they do start to mold i heard of some ways to get rid of it i think u put foot powder on them but im not sure u should look it up... but yea dont mist the eggs just mist the vermiculite/perlite or just mix it with water SHUT the container with NO holes and the humidity should stay in there and with no need th spray the container no more....and open it every week for ventilation.. hope i helped =D
DO NOT MIST THE EGGS DIRECTLY it will cause them to go bad i had the misfortune of not knowing this about 10 years ago and mine all died.