Heavy duty aluminum foil is 0.00073cm (7.3x10^-4cm) thicker than regular aluminum foilIs that what you would expect? If consumers are payig 1/3 more for the quot;heavy dutyquot; foil, are they getting their money's worth? Why?
The ONLY item mentioned that is a separate skill is weldingPossibly you have a hobby that could e turned into a job.
It's not entirely clear since you don't specify what units of material are being purchasedIf the cost is by area (equal length of equal width material), then price is a bargain since 4/3 1.5e-3 cm 2.0e-3 cm, quite a bit thinner than 2.23e-3 cmBut if cost is by weight, then the consumer is getting fewer sheets and paying more per gram and more per sheetWhat's more, there is actually LESS manufacturing effort required to make HD foil since all foil is made by roll pressing thicker materialThe thinner material requires more roll passes and greater care in handling due to its thinnessSo in this case the manufacturer can take advantage of consumer misperception, and charge more per weight of product as well as more per cost of product.