Home > categories > Security & Protection > Heat Detector > Can the fire department use the &yard hydrants& on my property?

Can the fire department use the &yard hydrants& on my property?

We live just outside of town, on a rural property so there is no fire hydrant on our road. There are three yard hydrants (looks like a pipe with spigot and clamp-down handle) on our property. Can the fire department use these in case of a house fire? Is the water pressure equivalent to a regular hydrant?


Seriously, you are a douchebag for even considering it. You suck.
you could try, but you would lose. you should have hung on to the sides, or not used it if there was no belt.
You didn't fall because there was no security belt - you fell because you're a ******* moron and that's not the gym's fault.
take away infernapes thunderpunch and replace it with flamethrower and your team will be set.
Seems to me you deliberately went on a machine knowing there was no safety belt, so you are pretty much doing it to yourself. But hey, feel free, hire a lawyer. Good luck.

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