here's my earlier question..i have another one...and if someone else found out and told the police...and the parents wouldn't press charges...will he still get in trouble? can they still press charges[not the parents but the police?]
Yes, they can press charges. But if she is very clear that she lied about her age he'll likely be acquitted. Provided of course that they stopped having sex once he found out.
I don't know what state you live in. but most states have changed their laws to say that the police themselves can now press charges without parent concent of the charges. Federal law say's they can press charges and have to press charges. Sorry for your friend but here's the law in utah. Sex with anyone over the year of 16 has a 10 year limit. so a 26 year old can have sex with a 16 year old and not get into trouble. Anyone over 10 years counts as Statatory Rape. Sex with anyone under 16 counts as rape of a Child, or Sexual Abuse of a child. An interesting case was 2 years ago when a female 14 year old babysitter and an 8 year old boy were both charged when they played a touching game. Now this might offend some of you, but anytime you have someone in their 20's dating a teen you have an issue. At worst case, he's abusive. At best case he's a loser.
the parents of the victim have to press charges.