I have a series 2 tivo dual tuner. We recently got upgraded to all digital, but we enjoy the 2 channel input via the cable box and the basic cable. I haven't figured a way to get this feature back, since the IR can only control one cable box. So right now, I have only the digital cable box hooked up to the TIVO, and a DTA hooked up so we can watch live TV without TIVO, switched via the TV itself. I heard of a USB method ton control a cable box, will this work?
Yep.when nothing else to do I start around page 6 and work backwards.
There is no way to do what you want. Your TiVo can only control one cable box, period. Dual tuners requires analog cable on the Series 2 DT. The nearest thing you can do is connect the DTA to the CH3 input, and manually record and change channels on the DTA. If you want full dual tuners with TiVo, you will need to upgrade to one of the HD models, and get a cablecard from your provider.