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Can two adults go and pull a fire alarm outside?

If there was a fire can a father go with his 20 year old son and make sure he pulls the fire alarm. Is it ok for an adult son and father pull the alarm and break the glass together to make sure it works. If it was outside could the father say you need some help? Would it look normal to people watching to see two adults pulling the alarm in a fire so it would be done quicker? Would a father help his adult son if they discovered a fire together?


uu will look stunningq! and it will take attention off ur nose and more on the piercing go for it and if you dont like it you can always tack it off
There is no reaction as far as I know. In most dry fire extinguishers the cylinder is filled with compressed gas (CO2 or N2, not sure) and also with several pounds of monoammonium phosphate powder. Monoammonium phosphate acts as a fire retardent. AFAIK when you pull the pin, you just let the compressed gas and powder spray out. I'm pretty sure it's just mechanical. I'm no fire extinguisher expert, so maybe I'm giving you the wrong answer, but that's how my fire extingisher works.

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