Can you bake a cake in aluminum foil pan?
I go with Lala - I use Goddards silver cleaner for all my silver jewelleryIt's a jar of liquid and you just dip the chain in for 30 seconds then rinse under a tap and dry with a towelAll gleaming and beautifulIn England you can buy it in most supermarkets.
metalbrite has a silver cleaning plate that you can useThe best thing I have ound is a polish called MAASIt doesn't blow you away with the stench, a little goes a long way, and it shines and protects long term brilliantly.If you can't do it yourself, grab one of your grown children and have them do it.
1Fill sink full of steaming hot water2Mix 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda in a bowl3Add mixture to sink of hot water4Cut a small sheet of aluminum foil and push it to the bottom of sink5Dip silver itemsMost tarnish will slide offFor stubborn stains, allow them to sit for up to 5-minutes at a time6Rinse well7Dry.
what I use for my sterling silver jewelry is I take an aluminum pie plate or just aluminum foil in a bowl and I add some baking soda and hot almost boiling waterI add the jewelry let it sit for just a minute and then I take it out and rinse it off, wipe it dry with a soft cloth and it sparkles like newI am not sure how it will work on silverware though.
I do that all the timeJust be sure to use Pam spray or other cooking spray to keep the cake from sticking when you are serving itIn fact, the pans I buy at WalMart come two to a package and also come with a plastic raised lid - perfect for taking the cake to work or someone else's house, etcAlso, VERY IMPORTANT, put the foil pan on a baking sheet (cookie sheet) when baking your cakeOtherwise, the aluminum foil pan will fold over on itself when you are removing it from the oven.