If you go to a job training with a hickey on your neck, is it possible to get fired over it?
Helmet if you dont already. I'm assuming since its not on the list, you already have that. Jeans- If you want. Jeans are a special case. Some people find them annoying and they dont move correctly in the saddle, others find them extremely comfortable. So that one is up to you. Gloves- I say yes. They're extremely useful and they save your hands. Since I do a lot outside of riding, I use my hands quite a bit and way back when when I didn't wear gloves, I would ride for hours on end and get wicked sores. I wasn't even able to hold up a pencil. You can get some cheap gloves too. They're not a hefty buy. -Breeches- Absolutely. Its obvious why you should get these. These were designed for the rider in mind as opposed to jeans nowadays (I mean the really popular brands of jeans. Wranglers are nice for riding but the ones you get at clothing stores just aren't). Specially if you're jumping, breeches with knee patches will be useful. -Half chaps- If you are planning on getting tall boots, these might be a waste. If you plan on showing at all and dont want to get your tall boots dirty, then they may be useful. However if you're just schooling this year I would say pick one or the other to save yourself some money. Also if you get half chaps, I noticed you didn't have paddock boots on your list. Does this mean you already have them? Or you dont plan on getting them? -Tall boots- I personally like tall boots more than paddock+half chaps. So I would say this is a good idea. -Safety Vest- It cannot hurt. If you have the money for it, go for it. Being safe is never a bad idea.
-I don't like wearing jeans riding, but you might want a cheap pair or two for around the barn. -I wear them because I always get rope burns from reins rubbing against my ring fingers, but you don't need them. -Breeches are much more comfortable than jean
One weekend, my parents was in hawaii and my sisters and I stayed home with a live in nanny. I decided to go to apple store to fix my sister's phone, so a friend dropped me off there. The genius bar appt were not open, so i left and no one could pick me up. So I took a metro bus, thinking it will stop near my house street. But no, I had to get a taxi to drive me home and it was almost $50 bucks. But I got home safe and had my computer and phone taken away for a week and my parents did not forgive my friend until 1 or 2 months later.