Right now I have Comcast for internet, television, and phone but they do not offer an NFL package deal. I just want to add Direct TV NFL ticket for the football season without cancelling Comcast. They have a $59.99 a month for five months deal going on so I don't mind the expense. I just want to know if they can co-exist on my television. Maybe just swap some cables to whichever I'd like to use?
Good question. The main job of a lightning conductor is NOT to conduct lightning. It is genuinely there to reduce the chances of a lightning strike. It does this by discharging the air above the house. A point on the top of the spike does this by concentrating charge. In the event that this does not work and lightning does strike, then it will direct the current surge in a direction that does a minimum of damage. However a lighting conductor is not thick enough to carry the current of all lightning strikes without damage. Question: if a church has a lightning conductor, does this display a lack of faith?
If your any good with sodder, Yes you can fix it like that. There's also a product called JB weld, it's a 2 part dough like material, when blended together, it dries very hard once applied (forced into the hole)
the old antuque locks that use the skelaton keys is a very simple device. It only has one moving part. the paddle on the key flipps it over to unlock the door. if u fiddle with it u should be able to open it. if not take it to a antique store and they will probably let u go through their collection of old keys and u might get lucky. If i did that i would buy the key from them. they are not very expensive.