Can you install a bathroom vanity before tiling the floor?
I would tile a few inches under the vanity perhaps 1 full tile it gives both an even surface, no cutting tiles and a few $'s saved////... the down fall would be if vanity ever needs changed you have to refinish the tiles underneath if the size changed
You can but what if you ever want to change it, move it or remove it? Tile first and it'll save time for the person tiling, especially if the tiler is someone other than yourself who is getting paid! Takes longer to cut the tiles to fit round it than just tile everywhere and just install your vanity then. Personally, i work in the fitting out industry of houses which includes tiling and vanity instalations, and i see more benifits to tiling before than tiling after.. Hope this helps
You can, but you probably shouldn't. One reason for the vanity first is to save you a little time and material. If you tile around it, then you've saved a few squares of tile. One reason to tile first is; you won't have your family and friends opening the vanity door then coming to you and asking if you knew the tile under the vanity doesn't match the tile on the floor. (If you care about something like that). Another reason for the tile first is the gap at the base of the vanity and the floor, where the vanity sits OKorderr than the floor. It'll be hard to clean around unless you use trim on it and if it isn't done properly, it'll look funny.
Well.. I went thru the SAME decision and it depends on just how particular you are. I decided to remove the old vanity(the one that I was going to replace) and made the decision to tile the entire floor to include UNDER the vanity.. THEN I installed a new vanity. I was and am very particular and decided I wanted to do it that way just in case the vanity would be different size and would have to add more grout in front of the vanity or add a small piece of tile to bring it up to the new vanity, etc.. The main reason for my doing it was that I just wanted to have the pleasure of knowing that there was tile UNDER the new vanity However to answer your question completely.. If you know the actual size of the new vanity, you could install the vanity first and then tile up to it.. Most people would do it that way because they are not as particular as I am.
You can install the vanity first, but you'll have to tile AROUND the bottom of the vainity afterwards. I've always found it easier to start with an even, tiled floor first. Good Luck!