As only i connected my car battery to the charger, chargers mark rised up only to 1 amp. Is it my battery is fully empty or it means that my charger is to weak to charge my car battery?
It tends to indicate that your battery is on the way out. Normally a partly discharged battery in reasonable condition will accept a higher charge. Typically four or six amps according to the charger. The amps should then fall steadily to virtually zero overnight. If it's stuck on one amp it most likely you need a new battery.
The indicator on your charger is the current that it is PUSHING, not the current your battery is capable of delivering! You should PROBABLY either take a Night Class or just pay someone else to deal with your battery issues!
If battery voltage is 12+ as you state, then it's not empty, is it? Not real complex here.
What size charger is it? If it's only a 1amp charger, than it's working. Or if the battery isn't flat a smart charger will only trickle charge the battery to top it up to 100%, and keep it there. The charge rate falling off is how you tell the battery is fully charged. Or the battery is faulty. Even a small (amperage) charger will recharge a car battery, it just takes longer. (maybe days?)