Home > categories > Security & Protection > Lock Parts > carbon monoxide / fire alarm detector going off?

carbon monoxide / fire alarm detector going off?

i don't know which one it is one of them keeps going off and whenever someone goes near it it stops. i can't tell which one it is because they are right by one another and there's no sign to see which one it is. i'm scared. help?p.s. there's no smoke or anything.


Basically, all works should be executed as per contract specification and drawings. Quality of works are being control on site by deploying Qa/Qc Engineers who monitors and inspect each works according to the minimum requirement. Materials which will be used on site are being submitted by the materials engineer for approval and shopdrawings/details are being prepared and approved to be followed on site. Contractors usually have quality assurance plan which is being strictly observed at site. The procedures on this plan include the approval of Consultants and Authorities for each works executed on site.
Often times GM will produce a power lock kit that can be purchased or installed through the Chevy dealer. However, I haven't heard of a power window kit. The parts department at the GM dealer might be able to assist you on the power locks.

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