So i‘m getting braces :( and I want to know which ones would be better, ceramic or metal.1) Which has better results?2)Which one stains more?3) Which one costs more?4)Which one takes the longest to get results? Thanks if you can answer some or all of these i appreciate it.
1)They both have the same results 2) neither stains more, you just have to keep both clean and then have your 6 month cleanings while having the braces on. 3)the ceramic cost more 4) they both take about the same ammount of time for the results. hope this helps.
Metal ones are better. I recommend metal to all of my patients and they are completely happy with what they got. They both pretty much have the same results. The ceramic ones stain, which is a 'con'. Also, ceramic isn't as strong and durable as the metal ones, making it easier to break the brackets. Which is why i do not recommend ceramic at all! Ceramic does cost more, but i always say that anything having to do with medical care (dental included) deserves to be a bit pricey. Ceramic takes much longer for results. And most people get ceramic just because they think that it barely shows on your teeth. It isn't that invisible. You can still see the wire and the outline of the bracket itself. Ceramic would probably take a year longer than the metal would. Get metal. I look forward to you getting your braces as well as a satisfactory result.
They have the same results The ceramic ones can stain The ceramic cost more They take the same time The ceramic are harder to remove, and they stick out further than metal ones. And IMO unless you have impeccable oral hygiene, the ceramic ones just make your teeth look yellow and dirty.