I just got a new house that has a security/fire system installed (and I don't want to pay to use). There is a smoke alarm in every room and some of them continue to chirp (loudly) even after changing the batteries. They are wired into the system and the previous owners took the alarm keypad. How do I get them to shut up?
Because you're a vampire? Or maybe because the angle you're at when taking the photo is such that you're seeing something else the mirror is reflecting? You do know you have to be directly in front of a mirror to see yourself in it, right? And that if you move to, say, a 45-degree angle to the mirror's surface, you won't see yourself? Just checking. Peace.
Soap is made from taking a grease (natural or manmade) and attacking it with a base (lye or others) saponifying the grease into a soap. The gloves and safety glasses are a necessity, the lye is the hazard - can blind you and burn you. If you get it on you or in your eyes flood area with water for 15 minutes and seek medical. It will be slickx2F;slippery. Make sure lye is neutralized completely in product, I have use litmus.
No that's not true. I just went to Europe for a week and I had my suitcase locked. They don't care. If anything suspicious comes up on the screen, they'll probably just ask you to unlock it so they can search it. But I highly doubt you would have anything they need to look at. So you should be fine.