Hello... I like to know the difference on chrome platted and chrome polish wheels , which one is better.
Just do what I did and go black! :oP!!!!
they're hard to keep looking good. brake dust can put a beating on them.
Are you looking to put chrome on a cruiser or sportbike? Chrome is heavy and heavy wheels affect the handling of a bike. You wont notice it on a cruiser or HD. Chrome on a sportbike will change the cornering big time. Heavier wheels equate to more rotating mass, which increases the gyroscopic effect. Thats why race/track bikes have the lightest wheels possible, lightest being Magnessium.
There are chrome wheels and there are polished aluminum wheels(not polished chrome). Chrome is easier to keep clean,but can scratch,chip and rust if not properly cared for. Polished aluminum is harder to keep clean( it requires buffing and polishing) but will not rust or chip and most scratches can be polished out. My choice is polished aluminum. BTW if one decided , down the road ,they could plate their polished aluminum wheels.Chrome wheels cannot be (un chromed) only replated.